dinsdag 19 oktober 2010

Theme 1 School!

About our school
We start at 8.30u, and the last lessons end at 16.50u. But nobody has to be at school that time everyday. Some days you have to be at school at 9.20, and you can go home at 15.10. It depends on your timetable. Here is the timetable of Zina: 

You can see that sometimes, she has to be at school till 16 u. So that sucks!! Our lessons takes 50 minutes. We've got 2 breaks, one of 20 minutes and one of 30 minutes.
When you're in 4th year, you can choose your subjects. We call it ‘profiel kiezen’. You can choose for the science subjects, or for the language subjects. But we all have subjects like: English, Dutch, Math, gym, sociology, classical culture, Latin or Greek…… Generaly you get homework every lesson. It takes more and less 1or 2 ours a day, to make your homework.

Good points: It's always very cosy, and the teachers are nice, and we have a lot of activities after school. Example: In your 4th year you can go on a trip to another country like Italy, or Greece. Another good is that you can choose a lot of weird combinations of classes. ex: economy, society and biology.
A very bad point at our school are the timetables. Sometimes we have to be at school till 16.50! We think that’s way too long! (so we were on strike!!) We can’t concentrate any more at that time!
The school building is very old and it really needs to be renovated.We've got more than 1400 students! We have temporary buildings, big, yellow plastic boxes that stand next to the school, we don’t like them, because they are very hot in summer and very cold in winter.

If we could change something about our school it would be the timetables, and the building because it's to small, sometimes we’re with 33 students in 1 classrooms, while there are only 32 chairs!

Do your parents think that school now is better or worse?
They think it's better in some ways, but it's also worse in some ways. They feel that reproducing knowledge and discipline was more important then. Nowadays, students have more interaction and more freedom.

Was your parents time at school useful for them?
Yes, for all of them. But some of our parents weren't that brave, and some hadn't very good results...

Have their studies helped them in their life?
Yes, they learned a lot at school and it helped them to get a job.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I don´t understand your timetable !
    Can you explain the timetable?

  2. The first letters are the subjects. Example: ec = economics, and la = latin. De capital letters are the teachers and the numbers are the classrooms.
    I hope you understand now!

  3. Hi!
    We still don't understand your timetable.
    We think you are very lucky because we only have one break of 30 minutes.
    In 4th of ESO we also went on a trip, we went to London last year.
    Don't complain so much, some days we leave school at 17:30.
    Now, the students of Batxillerat (we) go in another building older than the one we went last year when we were at ESO.
    Where does the one that doesn't have a chair sit?


  4. Sorry, we would say change the blogs' language in English because we don't understand anything.

  5. Nice blog :)

    If you guys could change the language on you blog to english it would be really great :)

    xoxo - Aina, Julie, Dorthe and Charlotte :)

  6. OMG! the bikes! i'm still looking at the picture in the bottom of the blog and realizing that nederlands really is something else xD

  7. Hi!

    We really like your small movie :)
    Similar like you we like singing, dancing, watching tv and we often go to the cinema. And we also spend few hours a day doing homework;/

    See our blog: http://vagabpoland5.blogspot.com/

